Saturday 20 July 2013

Stolen Childhood.

               One of the saddest things for me to see are the lives of children and young people who have responsibilities, problems, and trials far greater than many adults in this world have. I have always been very pro maturity as I call it. I am thankful that my parents gave me responsibilities at a young age and pushed me to become the mature and independent person I am today. What I’m talking about is very different then encouraging children to grow and become responsible and mature. What I have seen very often are children and young people who are have no choice but to step up to the responsibilities of life. Some are able to adapt very well to this and others who have not been taught or given an example struggle.
              It is hard to see children solely taking care of other children. To watch two boys maybe six and eight years old struggle to push their wheel barrows filled with wood to cook their dinner and to ward off the cold so they are able to sleep. So many Moms are much younger than me. Some have already had to go through the sorrow of laying to rest their child. Their children are loved but too often their own mother was a poor role model and the generations continue to be affected by the past. Lack of productivity and motivation often leads to children being bored and spending their time doing nothing at all or nothing that is good. Alcohol, sexual activity, and drugs are introducing themselves to younger and younger age groups, which in turn add a whole new peer pressure and stress to young lives. The list sadly continues.
               Unfortunately it is not enough to just recognize this although it is the start. Next there needs to come action so that there can be change. Children should be given the chance to truly be children. To play, laugh, and develop before become grown up at such a young age. Emmanuel’s Wish Foundation does this in one way by operating their crèche for children before they are able to attend school. Constructive teaching and play enable them to be carefree and to be children. Instead of caring for younger children they are playing together and instead of just sitting around they are learning. Other programs seek to keep children busy and provide activities for them while they are not in school in order to both engage the community together and to encourage constructive behaviour.
               Education for teens about alcohol, sex, and drugs are always areas needing improvement but there is initiative in the community for teaching and I have met some people who have a passion for sharing with young people in this way to educate and support them. I have learned both from personal experience and observation that people at any age appreciate the support and encouragement of people older than them or those who have experienced situations before them. It gives them hope that they too can make it through a problem, it makes them feel worthy of the time and effort, and it ensures them that they are not alone.
               I am thankful for those in the Richmond community who are a part of ensuring that children can have the opportunity to truly be children, for or those who work so hard to be there for young people who need the emotional support and role model, and for people who are working toward goals in maintaining and improving the system. I pray that those who come from broken, abusive, addict families might break the bond now and be the generation to start new and right.  I pray that the young generations might all the more turn to God and change their way of living to honor him. Most of all that the will of God may be done in the lives of each and every one in Richmond.  


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